European Cup Rugby

Overshadowed :joy::joy::joy:

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@balbec must be giving media advice to ROG

Actually Murray would likely be on in the end game for Ireland too and would have made a difference.

Fair enough. I think Leinster looked rattled and out of ideas by the end, Ireland currently seem to have a bit more about them.

Not many international teams are as well coached as La Rochelle.

You donā€™t see international games turn into that sort of blunt force type game we saw at the weekend.

Heā€™s taking way too many bangs on the noggin for his age. Seems to go off in as many games as Sexton at this stage?

Couple of Connacht lads played with them for a good while when they were in second divā€¦Pete Durcan was one the other fella was McGowanā€¦neither ever did much with Connacht as far as I can remember

Lovely place to live

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JOB was by far the better of the Leinster wings at the weekend

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A lad I know went down to some underage rugby comp and was staying in ROGā€™s house. They were probably u10s or u12s. He said ROG wouldnā€™t let him play with his computer games and that he was a cunt.


Weā€™d identify with his humility and desire to work hard.

O Brien is an excellent player. Lacks top end pace though.

James lowe lost the plot.

The IT sector is hopping with lads abusing Leinster rubby cunts this morning.

Dont know about that

Thatā€™s gasā€¦ would have been funnier if the 10yr old actually came back home and said ā€œheā€™s a cuntā€.

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French rugby especially the Top Quatorze seems to be absolutely booming now. The English Premiership seems to be floundering. Super Rugby is essentially no more. Leinster are a special case in the RaboCelticMagnersProURC because they have a conveyor belt system and Dublin is a large city and attractive to live in. But bar Leinster that competition is second rate.

The impression I get about French club rugby is it is tapping into a demographic very similar to that of the GAA in Ireland, or baseball in America. Essentially the same market as people who go out to watch the Tour De France. That there is a lot of focus on local and regional pride. But that itā€™s also a very white market. That itā€™s seen as a safe, family-friendly alternative to football. French club rugby supporters donā€™t strike me as hardcore Le Pen or Zemmour supporters but Iā€™d guess thereā€™s probably a good bit of soft support for them, and definitely a lot of support for Melenchon. What Iā€™m saying is I get the impression that French club rugby is seen by a lot of white French people as a truer representation of an imagined golden era 1960s or 1970s French Republic than association football is. And thatā€™s part of the reason itā€™s booming, as well as being a genuine national competition in a large, wealthy western European country.

How long before the Top Quatorze becomes to rugby what Serie A was in the late 80s/early 90s, and most of if not all of the worldā€™s top players ply their trade there? The money seems better there, and will likely only increase. Living in France and playing rugby there is a very attractive proposition for foreign players, far more attractive than living in, say, Leicester or Northampton.


I was in Northampton last week on a family matter and can confirm there is no reason for anyone to ever visit there for any reason ever


Van Der Flier was crying on the pitch after. Fucking crying.


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I dunno but Iā€™m surprised they arenā€™t looking at the squad players in Ireland more. Plenty have carved out good careers.

I think thereā€™s more stringent rules now about overseas players in France. Ireland, Australian and New Zealand donā€™t pick over seas players for international games either which stems the flow.

Did they not introduce limits on foreign players a few years ago when it was going that way?

I think Australia have some rule where if a player has a certain amount of caps they can be picked for the Cadbury Wallabies if theyā€™re playing overseas?

If the money keeps going up in France, surely at some point the dam has to burst and the top players in the world will all go there.

Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and New Zealand are small markets, rugby union is a niche activity in Australia, Argentina and Italy. Players in South Africa all seem to want to get out to play in Europe.

The English Premiership should be the big competitor but it seems to be a financial basket case.