European Cup Rugby

Heā€™s a very average rugby player.

Leinster have become obsessed with South Africa as well which is so odd.

Whatā€™s the summary pal, howā€™s Jerry holding up?

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Neither team deserved to lose
Some questionable refereeing decisions

Ah in fairness Thorns even handed in his dispatch

His biggest audience is in south Dublin. He was rolling around Dublin in a Black Golf GTI for years.

It was cutting at the outset, then the poacher became the gamekeeper.

Lovely stadium.

Prendergast has got to be the 10 going forward, or Barrett. Byrne wasnā€™t awful yesterday but there is absolutely no passing or running threat with him. The Byrne brothers have had their run at it this season and donā€™t have it.

They really missed the craft of Ringrose and are short of a real big ball carrier which Snyman will sort.

Add Snyman, Barrett, Ringrose and assume Prendergast is a competent attacking ten; they should really win it next year.

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Cullen hasnā€™t given Prendergast a sniff.

Which was a mistake, canā€™t win a European Cup with a ten that canā€™t pass.

I was very high on Prendergast before the 20s world cup, probably less so now but I think he has to be given his chance, or Frawley.

I wonder might Barrett play 10 if Frawley is figured in elsewhere as the kicker. Frawley is as strong as a bull, but not sure he has the passing game for 10.

Ah come on theyā€™re not in any way stuck for a ball carrier. Frawley is a decent player whoā€™s a victim of his own versatility. I think heā€™s better than either Byrne but never gets the game time to develop as a ten because he can play other positions and the other two canā€™t.

I like Frawley too but heā€™s a 12. Leinster signed Barrett to be a 12 and they already have Henshaw, Osborne and ringrose

Have they sacked Leo yet?

They definitely are in terms of getting over the gain line in the opposition 22 and scoring a try when the real pressure is on. Iā€™m talking a Skelton or Snyman type. Joe McCarthy is brilliant at it, Sheehan is great too, Conan is good but they need a freak I think.

Donā€™t get me wrong, theyā€™ll win 95 percent of matches with what they have (shouldā€™ve taken their kicks yesterday), but there is a common theme of Leinster and Ireland being camped in opposition 22 in recent big games and not being able to score.

Snyman is a very astute acquisition as he is unbelievable at it.

Another thing hurting Leinster is I donā€™t think Henshaw and Furlong are quite the players they were, they were great lads to break the line and make things happen, a little bit less so now.

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They should get Oā€™Gara

Synman is a risk. Heā€™s been crippled by injuries and by all accounts heā€™s only staying the one year.

They only need him for 1 or 2 games a year is the only thing. He has swung World Cup Finals consecutively off disrupted preparation. He is a freak of a player. Margins are so fine, Leinster probably win that game easily enough if they take their kicks.

Heā€™s not even a risk really. Theyā€™re so supplemented income wise they can well afford it and if heā€™s fit for just the knockout games heā€™ll win them titles like he did for Munster.


They really donā€™t. Theyā€™ve a team of international players, they donā€™t need a ringer. Plenty of hype about how ā€œunstoppableā€ Porter is from close range. Theyā€™ve more than enough top players, their failure isnā€™t in not having enough quality.

They look very short of ideas in the oppo 22 anyway, whether thatā€™s the 10 or the coach. The short in-goal area didnā€™t help them either. What they have, and what they are adding, theyā€™ll surely win it next year.

Issue is he hasnā€™t been fit and moloney and Jenkins are off.

Its definitely a risk for them.

They have two Irish internationals in McCarthy and Ryan and in sure they must have a couple younger players. And Baird if needed. They donā€™t need Snyman for a season, just a couple of games, thereā€™s no risk in it.