Eurovision 2024 - Malmo Money Malmo Problems

On A Dance Tip '94 stuff here. Sandwiched in between Corona’s Rhythm Of The Night and Get A Way by Maxx.

This Austran wan is a sort

One for aul birds thread


This is AI ya

ABBA are aging well

Fuck they are

Auld bird? Steady on!

She’s 29

Will the angry gays storm the stage tonight if Israel win?


Israel tends to treat it’s gays better than most. Tel Aviv Pride is quite the event.

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She looked like an attractive forty something :face_with_monocle:

Such a proud moment for the gay community.

Martin Osterdahl of the EBU getting booed to hell

All the acts who threatened to pull out :wink:

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Time for @Piles_Hussain to show his worth

Isn’t gay marriage and adoption rights banned in Israel?

A quick slide down the table happening now for us

Or maybe not

Israel still on 0. I reckon they’d need at least 150-200 to be in contention on the public vote.

I’d say we’ve scored more already than the last few finals we made