Eurovision 2024 - Malmo Money Malmo Problems

Greek cunts

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Une point from the squareheads?
The wrong immigants are being targeted

Croatia still in hunt ?

Each country has 58 points to allocate. 58 x 37 = 2146 points to be allocated in the public vote.

12 x 36 is the maximum one country can get in the public vote = 432 points.

Big swings have happened before in the public vote but the Swiss have such a lead that it’s hard to see this time.

Fuck the belgians and the portuguese

You had one job…


We’re heading towards conference league territory here.

Still top 10

Graham is in flying form tonight. An extra pep in his step no doubt after the big Rebel win in the Pairc.

I’d say we haven’t had 3 digit scores in a final since the pre-Dustin days. This is a huge achievement given how bad the Irish finalists were

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Was the song any good?

Switzerland get 365 points from a maximum 432 in the jury vote.

A point for every day of the year, except leap years, like this year.

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They better drag some entertainment out of the next section.

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Our song? I didn’t see either performance but they seemed happy with it

It was the third best song of the night.

The votes will see this out.

Lovely pun :clap:

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Maybe so but i’m going to call Switzerland to hang on. I always thought was way more competition in televote (Croatia/Ukraine/Ireland/Finland/Estonia and to a lesser extent Swiss and France) than there was on jury side which always looked a shoot out between Swiss v France until Slimane for France fluffed his lines in the jury show.

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