Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Add in Stephen King and cochineal and youā€™ll have a best selling novel. PJā€™S ashes

By God. Where is the ROd squad now

Lot of giving out there. Theyā€™re right though to be fair. Anti-social behaviour has been gone on there by the train station and parnell street for 30 years at least.

Houses do need to be built at the same time though and fast.

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Itā€™s a terrible first impression to the place for people visiting and landing in off the train. Youā€™re right, Parnell Street has been a kip for 30 odd years. Before that it wasnā€™t so bad with butchers and grocers and enterprise centre and whatnot. Kip now


It has. They cleaned it up a bit lately around the train station but the same carry on goes on there every day.

It looks great the actual works that are done on the outside of the train station. It presents well.

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I noticed that this morning.
Amateur hour really, isnā€™t it?


Ties in with the River Fest weekend.
Iā€™ll be going straight to the gig after I win the 10 Mile Road Race.


If @Batigol wins the lotto before then, thereā€™ll be no concert.


7.50 service charge per ticket :smiley::+1:

Nice,those ticket emails arenā€™t free like

What service you get ??

Mugged off.

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Itā€™ll be great to see Thomond Park full for once.


We get what we deserve. Let me take a wild guess who will be supportingā€¦


Iā€™m no fan of Ed but thatā€™s a huge draw ā€¦ What are you hoping for, Jay Z and Beyonce?

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Itā€™s a massive result for the city.

Iā€™m sure it wonā€™t bother you out in Spain.