Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Is there no end to this cunts meanness.

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This one is personal,

Whatā€™s the issue?


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Patā€™s a teacher, heā€™ll do the talking down.

Fat Pat and H Lyons were best mates. Fat Pat set him up with one of the first franchises on the Ennis Road. Pat owns the building and your man rents it from him.

Because it was one of the early franchises FP was obliged to pay for restaurant renovations every ten years or something. Thatā€™s something not in the new agreements. Anyway FP refused to pay for them, I presume there was something simmering away to lead to that, but it all kicked off then. Court cases etc.

Anyway Mr Hungry told him to go fuck himself and set up his own place. It was quiet enough for a while then. Iā€™d say FP thought heā€™d make a bollox of it, but it seems to be going well enough. The Ennis Road site would have been a massive earner for Supermacs, but it must be a drop in the Ocean overall for the bollox. The amount of time he must have spent on it. Pure bitterness

He comes out of it very poorly. I suppose you donā€™t get to be that rich without being a bit of a cunt. Especially not in fast food


The arbitrator mugged him off good and proper so.

ā‚¬85k is very cheap for that site I would think, not sure if it includes the bowling alley next door but either way

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Solid advice for aspiring entrepreneurs in the final 2 sentences.
So Lyons isnā€™t running a Supermacs enterprise but his own show out of a premises heā€™s leasing from Fat Pat that was originally a Lyons operated Supermacsā€¦I think thatā€™s it. Lyons seems a bit of a cunt himself - Pat has a battle on his hands here.

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Like all these things, thereā€™s two of them in it. Lyons himself would have plenty money from running the couple of franchises the last 30 plus years. But a small fortune compared to the big man

Iā€™ll take a trip down there the next time I stay in the Greenhills*

*Im never staying in the Greenhills again.


They donā€™t do the mixed grill anymore.

Itā€™s basically Supermacs with a different name. I would say slightly better, but still, essentially Supermacs.

He must have ā€˜Fuck you, Iā€™ll do what I wantā€™ money, a lovely amount.

The Greenhills is A1, never got a bad feed there

PS on reflection never went for the mixed grill

Whereā€™s a nice place nowadays lads for lunch in limerick besides hook and ladder?

What would you be looking for?
Hunters sports bar is decent, but theyā€™ve upped the prices a bit.

Go to Cafe Rose on Roches St and get the Cajun Chicken Burger

The curragower is lovely

Iā€™m in some place on Thomas street I think it was Oā€™Conners years ago?

Hunters is scandalously expensive for what it is imo.