Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

It’s open and empty thank God. We’ll let it twist on the vine.


Looks like just the gift shop on the ground floor is open at the moment

He’s some man for small talk this lad.

Buying a shop and stamping out petty crime must be the path to riches.

A young lad with Counterfeit notes was given the road by the staff at Mr Price. Serious operators

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In fairness to him, he’s on one of the scummiest streets in Ireland.

It’s rough ya. But €1500/week seems a bit much

He could be talking about extra security costs and things like that too.

Very true

200 quid a day doesn’t seem crazy to me. His turnover between the 5 shops must be absolutely massive.

It is. He used to print out pictures of the cunts robbing and put them up around the shop. He knew fuck all else would happen them. Used drive them cracked.

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I saw them everywhere :sweat_smile:

Those Gleeson’s are cunts, hated by the staff

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If the cunt wasn’t charging 2 euro for a Dairy Milk and other such robbing prices he wouldn’t be down so much.

Interesting comments on the Facebook post regarding family members going in taking stuff off the shelf a helping themselves to free fuel

I’ve seen them speak/act horribly to staff

Are they related to the Sports Store Gleesons?

Supposed to be really horrible. You’d have zero sympathy when he does his annual whinge. He has a shop around the corner from the leader office so I assume that’s why they give him so much airtime

Yes, they don’t even hide it, treat the staff like dirt,

First cousins.

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No way