Evidence of Communism on this forum

More ignorance from the forum’s resident moron.

Ireland actually had a free market economy which thrived for a thousand years before the English bastards showed up. Ireland’s free market economy was replaced by feudal landlordism, which has nothing to do with capitalism. Learn your history and stop embarrassing yourself with your constant defense of England’s crimes.

The famine was caused by English racism towards the Irish, you won’t admit this because of your love of England.


That’s officially a clamping

Like everything you write, that’s historically ignorant bulllshit

Laissez-faire capitalism was overwhelmingly the main cause of the famine

It must take some effort to get everything so consistently wrong as you do

I don’t know how you do it to be honest, it must be utterly exhausting

It must also be a weird sense of cognitive dissonance to know the very ideology you are such a slave to is the very thing that caused the deaths of so many of your own people

The Irish are no longer your people though, you took the soup a long, long time ago

You are a traitor in the truest sense

If you’re a simpleton - and everybody worked out a long time ago that you very much are one

How’s your planned genocide against Protestants coming on, mate?

Postponed until you stop being an idiot.

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Quite a lot of tetchy posters today. I hope everyone feels better tomorrow

The rugby WC starting seems to have pushed people over the edge.

@Rocko better erect a safe space should Scotland win.

The rugby coming on top of brexit will break a good few lads I’d say. The likes of @Ashman and @Enrique are in dire straights altogether

Young man you can rest assured I have a marginal interest in Brexit and an middling interest in the RWC . My interest in rugby is 6N and Lions Tours

Are you an elder statesman @Ashman? That would make your cluelessness on some things at least somewhat comprehendable

Go away to the pub for yourself . It will do you a lot better than relentless spouting of shite here .

Oh right then, just another angry young man I see

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Samantha Browne

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Heads up for @Malarkey.

Took that photo sitting in the old town in bergamo. Carefree times.


Were you on active duty?

I wouldn’t necessarily call it active

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The Revolution is nigh