Excruciatingly uncomfortable company thread


It should be noted the he sounds extremely boring too.

That’s all that fucking hockey he played/plays. As unwatchable sports go, field hockey is right up there with rugby.

I like Dessie Farrell. He spoke very well on his battle with depression and how it meant diddly squat that he was a psychiatric nurse as he attempted to battle it.


have met him a few times and he is a sound man - very understated but very likeable

[quote=“Peter G, post: 859647, member: 1758”][SIZE=6]Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh. [/SIZE]
I don’t think I could spend anything more than twenty three or four seconds in the same room as this person.[/quote]

What about in her box?

[quote=“Peter G, post: 859647, member: 1758”][SIZE=6]Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh. [/SIZE]
I don’t think I could spend anything more than twenty three or four seconds in the same room as this person.[/quote]
I once informed a friend of mine that a woman standing behind him in the smoking area of the No Name bar in Fade Street looked like Blathnaid Ni Chofaigh. He immediately turned around, slapped her on the arse, and said in a zany voice, “Howya Blathnaid”. It was Blathnaid.

. :frowning:

your mate sounds like a cunt

[quote=“Peter G, post: 859647, member: 1758”][SIZE=6]Bláthnaid Ní Chofaigh. [/SIZE]
I don’t think I could spend anything more than twenty three or four seconds in the same room as this person.[/quote]

I once had the misfortune of spending about 5 hours in her company. It was the very definition of excruciating.

That belongs in the Things that are Wrong thread-you drink in the No Name Bar and you keep company with lads who sexually assault women for a laugh. Fuck sake Sid.

Hector O Heochagaaain?

He is from Meath*.

As of course is Blathnaid.

*My friend, not Hector, although obviously Hector is also from Meath.

An absolute cunt of a place populated by cunts.

Heather Mills.

Unfucking believable. I’d love to take that prosthetic leg and and break it off her head.

is that why you and the missus broke up kev?

There’s something horrible that emanates from between her two front teeth.

That’s a terrible thing to say.

You and Graham Dwyer show many of the traits of the “Cork Weirdo / Sicko” personality.
