Expressions gay men use

Some of my pro car views in the past shame me


I know mate, but in the words of John Maynard Keynes, " When the facts change, I change my mind - what do you do, sir?"

I always thought this was an odd thread choice to be taking a pro-car stance. Probably just as well you’ve deleted it before some weirdo screenshots and tweets it.

You’re as well off not knowing. Your e-name has been taken in vain over there. Best ignored.
Also, @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy, it’s a bit random posting about your former love of the internal combustion engine in a thread about gays.


Ironmoth would be a very, very popular e-name. That could be anyone they’re talking about.

Best to move on and say no more about it.


Yeah, you’re probably right, just a massively unlikely coincidence.

A simple case of mistaken identity. It could happen to anyone.