External Hard Drives

Question for any of the techie folks out there - wheres the best place to pick up an External Hard Drive? I know Lidl sell them and so do Pixmania but is there anywhere I should definitely avoid or is there anywhere to get them at decent value?

I’ve bought a couple of external drives from Pixmania in the past year and couldn’t have any complaints about them and you won’t find them much cheaper anywhere else.

Get one of the ones you can plug directly into your tv and watch movies without the laptop.

some people complain about western digital or seagate ones but i have to say ive had my western digital iBook bout 4 years and never had any trouble with it…even though it has been dropped and fallen over on occasion… also have a 250 passport sized harddrive which i just cased a laptop harddrive i got cheap and had to recase it since i got it but since no trouble either… think the first case prob was my own fault…

Something like this should do the job:


Probably cheaper and better ones out there but that’s the sort of thing to go for if you intend using the hard drive for films

[quote=“briantinnion”]Something like this should do the job:


Probably cheaper and better ones out there but that’s the sort of thing to go for if you intend using the hard drive for films[/quote]


I have this one. I also recommended it to 2 of my brothers and one of the lads I live with. Has yet to give any of us any problems.

Been meaning to get one for a couple of years now, but haven’t bothered. I have an 80GB hard drive on the laptop, and am storing about 5,000 songs. If I moved all this onto an external, would the performance of the laptop show any marked improvement? Or do people use these more for backup purposes than anything else?


I have this one. I also recommended it to 2 of my brothers and one of the lads I live with. Has yet to give any of us any problems.[/quote]

that might be the one i go for next but thinking of saving for a mini server instead of current have my 2 x 250 hdd full… and have about another 80gb worth of stuff stored on my laptop hdd… and best part of 20gb on the home pc…

What on earth are people downloading/storing that takes up so much space? Entire films or something?

why, do you only download the start or middle ?

Fuck the start, middle is the best part. Nothing like sitting down to a 45 minute chunk from the middle of your favourite film. None of that time wasted watching the character development and the plot setup and none of the tedious plot resolution shit at the end that just drags on for ages and stifles your imagination.

you name it sledge…
tv shows, music, old college assignments, programs, wii games…

One song = 4MB
One Album = 50MB
One Film = 650MB
A single TV episode of e.g. Lost = 350MB
Every episode of a TV show that ran for 7 seasons and had 20+ episodes per season and includes some extras from the released dvd = 69GB

I’ve got 350GB plus of stuff. Rapidshare is your only man.

Can I watch old episodes of the Sopranos on the net?

You can download every series. Here’s the first series http://www.hyperobots.com/2008/02/25/the-sopranos-season-1/

best site for watching everything online is www.sidereel.com … they give you any amount of links for every episode

Lads and Cailin

Quick question on the legality of the likes of Pirate Bay and Sidereel.

Legal/illegal/gray area?


[quote=“W.B. Yeats”]Lads and Cailin

Quick question on the legality of the likes of Pirate Bay and Sidereel.

Legal/illegal/gray area?


All depends on the licencing of the product being downloaded. The majority of programs, films and music on pirate bay would be illegal but there would be plenty of legal stuff on it too.

The streaming sites seem to come and go fairly regularly so I’m thinking they must be illegal too but not sure. A lot of the streaming sites just link you to somewhere else on the web where the clip is hosted.

only legal streaming site in this country would be rte or youtube as anything that can cause lawsuit is off youtube… however you cannot get prosecuted for streaming it would be the domain owner would be my reading on it… however it still wouldnt be overally illegal as the programs are free to stream in the us on their producers sites such as abc.com… however sidereel as it says is strictly legal as it only shows you links that are hosting the programs your looking for…

majority of stuff on piratebay or torrents would be illegal … only legal thing in torrent form i can think of would be a linux iso