FA will probe fans\' Mido \'abuse\'

From bbc.co.uk:

[i]The Football Association is to investigate claims of abuse directed at Middlesbrough striker Mido by Newcastle supporters in last weekend’s derby.

The Egypt striker, who joined Boro in the summer transfer window, faced barracking from the travelling Magpies support during the 2-2 draw.

“We will contact the clubs and get their views of what happened,” an FA spokesman told BBC Sport.

“We will also look at the quotes from the player and take it from there.”

Mido, who scored Boro’s first equaliser, responded to the chanting: “Maybe some of them were drunk or something.”

"I heard it, it was very clear and I understood what they were saying. [/i]

I was watching the game and I could hear some chant about Mido. Then when Mido scored the equaliser he taunted them and got a yellow card.

Does anyone know what the fans were chanting?

To the tune of ‘You’re gonna win fook all’ they were singing ‘He’s got a bomb you know’.

Interesting to see what happens with this. Southgate heard the chanting too and referred to it after the match. There needs to be a proper punishment for that sort of racism and not just a 500 fine or whatever.

That said 500 would be 500 more than the huns got fined for their sectarianism against ICT which has been completely whitewashed.