Faggot Rolls

Slow release carbs … and no protein or fats :joy:

Paula Radcliffe was good at the slow release alright…


What would she know sure, she’s only the women’s world record holder for 15 year. The real experts are on tfk. :joy:


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Yikes …

Body falling apart without proper nutrition.

The heart of a Champion. The very best of the indomitable British fighting spirit

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Shitting themselves?


Stopped for a quick piss on the side of the road, and kept on racing. That’s will to win right there. Sonia O’Sullivan had to run in to the jacks for fear anyone would see here gowl. Radcliffe didn’t give a shit :thumbsup:


@Rocko can you identify the 2 posters who clicked this picture to enlarge it and zoom in, please.

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This should be good :popcorn:

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Turns out clicking on the number doesn’t tell you, it just adds to the clicks :thumbsdown::hushed:

The trick with a b-roll is not to overload it. Four ingredients max; start chucking beans and eggs in and you’ll make a fuck of the entire thing. Chawkes’s do an excellent b-roll.

Putting beans and eggs on a roll is an abomination of thing. If you want that get a fucking full Irish breakfast entirely.



Da fuq?

beans and eggs the best part it’s dry as fuck otherwise

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Shur what sort of jaw would you want to get your mouth around that without it spilling all over you?

Have a pint of milk with it, that’ll sort you out.

Beans :joy:

Go way you mad cunts.


You’re hardly ating your breakfast roll in your Sunday best, the fuck does it matter.

It’s a game changer mate