Faggot Rolls

Thomondgate petrol station sub standard breakfast roll don’t go there.

Sausage pudding and bacon 4.50

Beans egg and hash browns staring her in the face. I said to her is that not included and she said no. I told her I wouldn’t be getting another there again. Lazy thieving cunts. Anywhere else it’s 3.50. Avoid it.

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Are they back ??

Dungeon this shit.

lot of unnecessary information in that post.
It only needed the first word and the last two.


I haven’t had one in years mate, used to have them if I was hungover but almost tempted again to get one

Great post


Peter -Can you stop spamming the board, please.

Celtic Tiger nostalgia . Fuck it I might have one Monday .

Seldom get one but this morning I was starving so I decided to check out the upgraded new food counter.

A badly assembled roll is worse than no roll at all

Recall great b rolls around the corner from the south court hotel years back in the food store or whatever it was. At least 2 kilos of grub. Great spot for grub on the move.

You can’t bate a nice crispy hash brown in a breakfast roll.

Thread over, point made.

Which budding Oscar wilde changed the thread title?

Chocolate mouse switched it then I switched it back then Julio geordio switched again. Giddy boys flatty, let them have their giggles.

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There’s multiple food threads … just like there’s multiple injury/ medical help threads - You’re spamming the board for the sake of it, Peter and deserve the abuse

Would @Tassotti recommend a breakfast roll the morning of a marathon ?

Organic oats soaked in almond milk with honey and a banana


Only if you fuck it into the nutribullet first

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What good is that to you - you want high carb/ high protein and fats … whack in scrambled eggs with toast and butter with coffee and you’re there.

Almond milk has little to no protein in it.

Up your game if you’re going to tell lies, mate.

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Slow release carbs mate. It works for Paula Radcliffe and it works for Tassotti. Do yourself a favour and leave the nutrition to the experts