Faldo's DIY General thread

Great minds

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The thought crossed my mind

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Wouldn’t work out.

She’d know straight away by the quality of the work that it wasn’t you. Why do you think she cleared off out of the place? They’ll be paint everywhere.

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Or worse. She’d get him to paint the rest of the house


Did you send and give that three coats?
An awful job. I did it once.

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It’s the prep that makes it so fuckin hard. The painting itself isn’t too bad.

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I think it’s the only way to do it if you can afford it. Prep the room yourself top tail and middle. Get the painter in to blitz it in a few hours. Then put it back together yourself the following day.

It makes the women appreciate the amount of work involved more. Rather than them saying, “It took you fucking three days to paint a room”. And they gone out of the place.

The painter appreciates it more also.

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I’ve six of these cunts to mask on both sides
Undercoat and 2 top coats each :blush::blush::blush:

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Tbh I wouldn’t go in after anyone to finish a job
An old subcontractor tried that with me
Didn’t want to pay the painter for the whole house (s)
Got 2 English cubes of staggers in who made a hames of it
And expected me to sort out their shit

He could go round after putting bits of paint on the light switches and skirting board

My lad appreciates it. He says some people let him in the front door in the morning. Show him the room to be painted. No furniture moved. Pictures still on the walls. Curtains up. He just throws up the paint and fecks off.

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I did my best love…,

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She’d know straight away with the smell of drink off him.

The door I did was like that. I took the door handle off though. The masking was the worst of it. But I got an electric hand sander out of the auld lads shed and it’s the job.

Cleaner than me

You’ll need an apprentice…

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That’s finished thank G
She’s a hoarder :blush:

You’ll never make money that way.

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