Faldo's DIY General thread

I made that mistake
Ramming that stuff right into all the eaves

The plan was to give the attic a bit of clean, but you may be right, it will certainly be easier to fire the new stuff over what’s there.

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It’s a cold roof attic.

Yeah I had thought about that, there are vents in the attic already. I plan to decrease the footprint around the sides by a few cms so as not to block up air flow with the thicker stuff and other than that I won’t be putting insulation where there wasn’t any before so I hope not to create any airflow isues.

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Lads, leaf blower + radiators. Missus away for weekend and was blowing leaves off drive. Bringing it in to charge said fuck it and started using it to sweep the floors. Handy.

Then I was struck with genius. Blast the air into the radiator. You would not believe the fucking dust that comes out of it. Look liked a barber’s floor.

So, if you’re after some.low hanging fruit to score brownie points, tell the missus come on behind, youve had an idea.

Here’s just one of many many clumps to come out the back of one radiator:

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Looks like it alright!

They’ll be questions asked.

An LED yard light has hit the blink. The local Co-Op says a new light is needed as these LED lights are different from the old halogen ones in that you can’t rellace the bulbs in them. Is this a job I can do myself or should I ring a sparky?

Simple.Only 3 wires.

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That’ll all end when ye get married.

Corke would surely find an old style supplier who could send a halogen to you

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If you can get the same make and model then the mounting should be the same. Otherwise it turns into a disaster.

They should last a long time.
Have you a guarantee?

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Also go to an electrical wholesaler as they’ll be half the price of the co-op.


I don’t; it came with the house as the fella says.

The sensor is about 8 foot above the ground and the light itself is about 25 feet up. The sensor was very sensitive and would go have the light going off morning, noon and night in windy conditions. That probably caused the light itself to burn out

25 feet? Do you have a mansion?

It starts getting complicated now. It could be the sensor or the light. Time to call an electrician.

If you’ve only one sensor and one light, I’d nearly bet it’s the sensor.

LEDs are handy to wire. Recently did a big led spotlight in the backgarden and 6 led spotlights in a room. Nothing to it but time

I installed 2 in the back of the van yesterday, savage light off them and very easy to wire

They’d melt the retinas out of you! The one I got for the back garden brighter than I expected. Lights up half the back gardens in our row

It’s like permanent day time in the back of the van now,no problem finding anything in there now.