Faldo's DIY General thread

Ran out of oil… Went to bleed boiler, hex allen head on bleed nipple is stripped…

Any ideas?

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Have you tried YouTube?

Try tapping in a screwdriver…you might have one thats just a little too big.



In here is a hail Mary


U can force it with a larger head screwdriver
:screwdriver: few good taps
But it’ll mash it

Can we see a photo of that?
Are you sure it’s an allen socket head?

The missus got a notion that we needed a massive mirror in the hall and wanted it hung.

Fucking cunt of a job. It was so heavy it was ripping screws off the wall and snapped the wire to hang it twice. Cunt of a plasterboard wall then wasn’t helping.

At the third attempt I ended up having to put a bit of coving along the bottom to sit the mirror on and take the weight off the screws. And then some brackets to keep it up. If it comes down now it’s taking the whole fucking wall with it. :see_no_evil:

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Did you put in multiple hooks to hold it? Spread the load along the wire.

Aye, looking for a replacement before I hack the thing out.

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A liberal application of tek-7 and press it onto the wall

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You needed to fix it to the wall.

Good idea
Don’t be like me bleeding rads years ago
Same problem
Bullish behaviour opened it alright but couldn’t get the cunt of a thing back until half the bathroom soaked,
Panic set in🙄


That’ stuff should be banned
Destroy ya

What are you using it for? ,:thinking:

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She might want to change the mirror next year again.

Try one of these.
I have used it for hanging a heavy mirror although I hung it on a concrete wall. Should work for plasterboard.

I used it a black version to seal a Renault Laguna windshield :roll_eyes:

Better leaving the keys in that car and hope someone took it


Tac something or other
Awful black sticky stuff

Well gone sold it to a Romanian :romania: gypsy I knew living in Carrigaline

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