Faldo's DIY General thread

Crane in a 40foot shipping container onto a few concrete footings and fit it out.

Cheaper, bespoke and removable by lurry.


Buy a 20ft for about 3k.

@Juhniallio ferries boxes of chocolate bars around in a Berlingo, he must be as fat as a Tipperary housewife. 20ft be no use to him.


He just needs a place to sleep when the missus locks him out.

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Berlingo sure.

He owns the Teach an Mhadra thread

Teach an mhadra=Berlingo

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He deserves an upgrade tbf

@Corksfinedtboy or anyone else can you recommend an exterior paint that will survive the rigours of a seaside location?

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Colortrend exterior is decent,
But Dulux weather shield is cheaper and not far off

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Have lads here today respraying the external window frames. They said they’d be here at 8am. Got a text at 8.15 saying he’s been here since 7.30 and is working away taping up and is about to start sanding down.
Lad was 3 doors down working away on someone else’s place.


Timber I presume, what with the sanding down…

Has anyone any experience with repainting PVC? Relatively new phenomenon I believe, would suit me as I’m considering a spruce up.

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It’s PVC, think it’s a very light sand to get the dirt off them. They did another place in the estate and looks a great job. We moved in recently and they were in good condition just didn’t like the colours.

I’ll let you know how it goes.


It’s for grip
And to get rid of flaky shite



Any idea if they use a primer on it, or just one application? Spray job?

An obligatory oul before and after shot would be brilliant…

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Definitely a primer or some undercoat. Said it’ll be 2 to 3 coats. It was a dark brown colour. Sprayed.



It’s easy
Get the proper under coat
Take your time
Mask up
Light coats,vv fine sanding between coats