Faldo's DIY General thread

You should get three quotes fairly quickly. Usually the lads are decent enough

You’d probably need to specify if it’s wood, aluminium or PVC.

What’s wrong with it?

Pvc door, good door but badly fitted (previous owner). Frame is off, slight twist in it, causing the lock not to catch. Kind of job you’d want someone decent to fix correctly but also a shite enough job for anyone good to bother to take on.

You sure it’s the frame and not how the door is hung in the frame?


From the sounds of that this crowd should sort you out

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Has the glass cracked?

No, the problem is the door not catching and being difficult to engage the lock.

Tap the glass with a hammer a few times. Then call your insurance. Let them handle it from there on.


I have a condenser dryer that’s been fuck-acting of late, not that I use it a lot but no water appears in the relevant container and it’s woefully unsatisfactory.
I attacked it today with a vengeance after the collapse of the rugby gimps. There’s a secret compartment inside the door hiding a sensor - stuffed with fluff. I cleared that.
I then found another removable unit at the bottom of the fecking thing. I removed that (about 8"sq) and ran that through the shower as per the diagram on top. Reinstalled.

A cracking result. I’m cunningly quaffing a Large Jack Daniels (€20) from Tesco and may resort to abusing forumites later.


Don’t leave it too late grandad


4 (four) squeaky door handles taken off, cleaned and regreased this afternoon. Opening and closing doors all evening to my heart’s content, without fear of getting given out to for waking the baby

My life partner left an open bottle of hair dye on its side on top of a white leather kitchen chair. Said chair is now ruined as the dye leaked out of the bottle onto it. Yet I’ve been blamed for not yet assembling a bedside locker which was delivered during the week. She wouldn’t have put an opened bottle of hair dye on its side on top of the kitchen chair if I’d bothered to assemble the locker. She would have fastened the bottle and left it standing upright on the locker apparently.


Just buy a new chair.

What colour is the dye pal?

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And buy her a new bottle of dye while you’re at it @Bandage

Easier in the long run to accept blame and move on

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Sounds like Rockos father in law has let you down badly here.

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Ask him what age she is & maybe how much of her hair fell out after the pregnancy too…