Faldo's DIY General thread

Have you your own septic tank or are you some class of townie?

Ha. Not a townie but on the main drainage alright

If the drains are dry you may as well buy a set of rods and work back from the first manhole, if that doesn’t work you may lift the toilets. Have you a kango by any chance?


@gilgamboa used to be a rugby player, he knows how to push shite.


That’s TFK there in a nutshell, @gilgamboa comes on looking for a handy bit of diy advice and a few mins later we have him off down to the tool hire place for a lend of a kango…zero to 100 in 5 mins


We all know anything is possible at this point, moving house might be the best option.

Lift all my manhole covers,start on one nearest mains,work back,( worm) when clear as you can judge,put a hose down ,flush all toilets a few times,change worm for roundy yoke ,then start on one furthest from mains,flush, flush,hose

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Good advice there. Dyno rod it is!

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TBH it’s easy peasy,buy the rods DIY and if you’re really lucky the neighbours will be delighted and ask you to clear theirs when needed :+1:,no seriously it’s an hour at tops and the rods can be used to clean the chimney aswell

Lads, I’m looking for zebra wallpaper. It was in the showhouse of the estate so the little lady took a shine t9 it. But I’m finding it hard to source it . In fact impossible. I’m looking forward to assistance and abuse also. Any ideas anyone? Cc @Corksfinedtboy


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I’m here for you

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Cc @glenshane
Thanks a million. It was actually pictures of zebras on the wallpaper as opposed to a zebra theme.

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You give and you give and you give.


How cool is this??

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Or this!!!

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These are amazing. And thanks a mill. But a bit mental. There was loads of smaller individual zebras on the paper. Sin è is dòcha.

Just explain to her how I’ve gone to a lot of trouble, and that she should be grateful etc


How much do you love @glenshane ??

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Here. Knock yourself out.

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