Faldo's DIY General thread

They saw him build it and are only knocking it for the craic. Delinquents

Send the goats up to Cassidy’s to fill out the menu


Wrong thread

If you are at a loose end I’ve about 60m of old dry stone wall that could badly do with being patched up.

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@KinvarasPassion what’s the trick to it?

Have you an a frame?

I’d give that two likes if I could.

Something really great about those stone walls.

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No, I have nothing, but a load of rocks.

@Ambrose_McNulty is the expert wall builder on this forum. They come from all around to admire his walls.

There secret to good stone work is good stones. Most of our land is filled with roundish stones that are cuntish to build with. You’d be as well to take a sledge to some of them.

You might have to turn a stone a few times to get its ideal resting position.


Go way and play tetris for a few days

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I’ve 30 odd shrubs to plant tomorrow. Dreading it

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25m Mike no sweat to you kid

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A bit of concrete between them chief and your laughing

Twould be the job mate but you’re talking about a couple of miles of walls :thinking:


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Once you pick the stone up it has to go somewhere in the wall.Never put it back down.

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Put one on top of the other.

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I had to face this one morning. Double stone wall is easier to build but takes serious time


I know the feeling chief… I was fencing today with the ould lad(he’s 83,and would put us to shame) the last time I was fencing with him was I. The early 90’s…we did the main walls years ago, just the top two stones… Haven’t budged since