Faldo's DIY General thread



40 shrubs, Just about 2 hours

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I changed a mixer tap today in the kitchen. Very very very pleased with myself. Could I turn off the hot water though. No chance. Tried everything. Think the valve was just locked tight it was so long since it had been budged. I ended up draining the hot water tank which was a complete fucking waste of hot water…how and ever…

…some of the more eagle eyed amongst you might recall I was seeking advice on unblocking my drains a few weeks back. Well i did anyway or more to the point dyno rod did. Toilets starting to drain slow again last day or so…sent dynorod a fucking rocket anyway to come back and fix it…

…however when i was turning off the mains water outside my house earlier the manhole for mains water was full (of clean water)…I assume that’s not right??.. so i am thinking that there is actually some kind of mains leak which is actually killing the pressure required to keep drains moving…that sound anyway plausible?

did you have a new water meter fitted by those Irish water muppets by any chance, I’ve seen plenty of leaks coming from the meter after they were fitted, I doubt the leak would affect your sewers though because as long your toilet cistern fills up its the same volume of water being flushed

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I just read back on your original blocked sewer query, did the sewer work away fine after dyno rod blasted it? If so for how long? Could be a blockage further down the line, possibly neighbours gaff or else a dreaded broken sewer pipe, how old is the house?

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Yes worked fine for last 3 weeks or so
They just blasted it with some high power water hose…was heaps of stones and leaves blocking it

House about 15 years old

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Not to best of my knowledge

They fitted those meters in the last 3-4 years, the manhole should have a black round plastic cover, anyway your blockage has most likely been pushed further down the line and that gave you 3 weeks of normality by the sounds of it

Cheers. Most likely blockage at neighbours gaff so

Good going kid only slagging

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All houses should be piped separately to the main sewer so unless a neighbour has the same problem then there is still a blockage between you and the main sewer.


Most are now I think( newer estates,ours is 11 years old and definitely separate)

Could that be just ground water that flowed into it from above, wouldn’t be uncommon with all the rain we’ve had.


Your mains water supply has nothing got to do with your waste sewer pipe. They are completly separate.

There may or may not be a leak at your meter. It could be just surface rain water seaping into the hole below ground level. There has been a lot of rain lately.

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Quite possible albeit it is sealed fairly tight. Most likely answer

Stop posting videos of yourself here. Thats for boards.ie

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He better hope not anyway!!

I had a go off this at the weekend, fixed a couple of meters and brought some other bits back up to height. Fairly happy with my efforts so far.

I need to clear a fallen tree and cut out stump before continuing on with the rest of the wall.

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How does one go about restoring an antique bit of furniture?