Faldo's DIY General thread

The great wind of ‘47 wouldn’t have knocked @Faldo’s stack.


About 50 years ago I saw a relatively close neighbour cycling past with a cwt. bag of turf propped up on the bar of the bike. I remember it distincitivly because it was Christmas Day.
He wasn’t overly energetic in the Summer, a fondness for porter and all that…

He’s still to be had which is like the 3rd secret of Fatima.


He was pacing himself.

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Not energetic anymore… Was ment to have a knee replacement a month ago so making the most of the xtra time I have before I go in…

Jesus that gives me a horn :clap:

It’s a thing of beauty that your average townie will never appreciate.


The strange thing is @Faldo doesn’t even have an open fire

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He has a Stanley 8.A noble range.

I’ve an insert stove and an open fire that has a door on it if you want to have it as a stove

So what’s the story- do you dump the turf in the corner and then face it, or is every layer as pristine?
I’d say you’ll knife any lad who tries burning any of it.

Hahaha ah no, ya it’s just fucked in and reaked as ya go along. Keeps everything tidy and you can put a lot more in to a smaller spot.


You dont burn all of that yourself surely?

A one man Planet destroyer

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Comes from mother nature goes back to mother nature, you couldn’t burn cleaner than turf and timber

Not when I’ve timber

I presume that’s why they closed down all the turf burning power plants


Oil and coal are a lot worse… Not going down that road anyway… They were closed as they weren’t making money

Yip, just like rubber

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And planes and cars etc…