Faldo's DIY General thread

If I were you I’d give Anthony Tohill a shout. He’s a good man to give advice on these potentially lethal implements.

Anyone know what’s happening here? I was hoping for three wires, preferably live, neutral and earth?

Don’t ever go into booby trapping :grin:, step away from it

Give it a lick


Is that a light driven by a two switches? As in two switches either side of a hallway.

Going by the type of wiring I would have guessed at an alarm of some sort.

It’s a light bulb holder.

No, it’s a light with 1 switch. Wired circa 1970

Is it working? What’s the problem?

Never heard that before. Warning about chainsaws.

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I’m replacing it

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Well just replace like for like. For safety assume everything is live, so isolate back at the main fuse as I’ve no idea what the middle three wires are for. The may be the remnants of a two-way switch circuit that is no longer in use. So if you’re not competent, get an electrician.

The wiring is old but the holder is more recent. So the earth must have been added at a later date (unusual)

The green x2 is earth and probably slipped out of the earth lug, top left.

The black x2 on left are neutral and I assume are tied together and must remain together. That’s the neutral going to your light.

The red x3 centre I assume are tied together and must remain together. I’ve no idea what these are, could be remnants of a two-way switch circuit. Just have to assume they are live and keep them tied together.

The red x1 on the right is the switched mains from the switch. This is the live going to your light.

If you have a specific question, other than "what’s going on here? I’ll try answer it.


Get a spark , I would, shagging electrics and me is a no no

If I get connectors can I run all the red into one…and take a single wire out to the new light? Same for the 2 black?


The red x3 centre I assume are tied together and must remain together. I’ve no idea what these are, could be remnants of a two-way switch circuit. Just have to assume they are live and keep them tied together.

If you mix up those reds you’re in deep trouble. Time to call a spark.

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Did he lose the eye.

Pal of mine had an accident with a chainsaw. Jumped back into his thigh. Doctor said he was very lucky to miss the artery as he was on his own and would have bled out.

Any lad using one without proctective gear is mad.

Speaking of freak accidents another pal of mine was barbecuing last week with a charcoal barbecue. A stone or coal exploded and left a hole in corner of his eye just missing the eyeball. He was very lucky.

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Doesn’t look like it.

You’d want your head examined to use a chainsaw unsupervised.

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Do you live in Albania?


I’m screwed so. Spark it is.