Faldo's DIY General thread

There is some very poor quality charcoal on the market at the moment.

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I dont suppose this helps? There are 3 cables:
1 with 2 red wires and a wire going to the earth. The other 2 cables have a red, black and wire going to the earth.

A mobile phone is a great DIY tool

Take a photo of everything before you take it apart

I’d say its a listening device.

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Mate, if you’ve to ask you shouldn’t be doing it.


Mate, I’ve wired in dozens of lights…4 to be exact, and there hasn’t been a major mishap yet

Get a spark to look at that chief

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Are you pulling the piss now? You’ve ignored everything I told you. Do you know which was the single red wire going to the light?

I haven’t the foggiest…I had it out before I read your post, or before I read it properly.
On a positive note the wooden floor dropped into place without having to rip a single board. The lord giveth and the lord taketh away.

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Call an electrician. Tell him he needs to bring a metre to buzz out the wire coming from the switch. Then show him the picture of the wired unit. Should be straight forward to him with that info.

Also note that all those wires are potentially live now so stay well clear. Also, other lights in other rooms may not be working now.

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Wait until you see it when the light is back working.


Surely you don’t mean that you didn’t have to cut any?

The black cables are neutral. The 3 red cables in middle are loop live. They just go in a connector. The other red is your switch wire for the light fitting. Your welcome


Just saw 2nd pic now. Do u still know which red was on it’s own?!

A rip is when you cut along the length of the plank. The hardest part of laying a floor.

Rip=length ways, @TreatyStones is right, this time

Handy for you, I floored most of my gaff and never had that luxury, I was laughing thinking you had laid the boards without staggering them, which is the only way you’d have gotten away without using a saw at all

You had me won over at baking. No need to throw in flooring

I’m surprised he didn’t use an axe

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