Faldo's Drinking Problem

Can he beat it?

As a former regular Sunday night drunk I’m willing to help him through it if needed

Mac he’s a Sunday day drunk, on the steam again all day, probably fell asleep with a ham sandwich in his hand watching the end of the masters after coming home early from the pub

No better day than a Sunday to do it. Nothing worse than ruining a good Saturday with that type of carry on.

Worked all week including sat,went for a few today around 1ish…left around 8ish…enjoyed the few pints…

Falling asleep now with a chicken sandwich…a lot more in my pocket before I went out…

How many fucks does Faldo give…

Not one…

Faldo’s Connemara problem is the key here, fix that and you fix the rest of his life

In your account scan, your not that pissed on the heino

Tis all the one…

Bandage, please change the name in the thread title to Sidney