Famous Limerick Hurling Supporters

Master of the Hitachi she was


Where abouts in Moyross is that?

Mickey did a savage gig in the GPO in Galway in 1998. Some pup ran off with Mickeens cap and he stopped the set. The cap was restored before the decks had stopped spinning.

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Ap McCoy

That has been in my folder since 2018. I wouldnt know moyross well enough to tell you

The farming quarter

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The goals are throwing me

i think that is Carew Park

A finishing school?
His son is with the BBC as a football commentator.

He’s also a bit of a prick

He owned HSI college that used to be on O’Connell Avenue

That’s Moyross soccer pitch, Glenagross houses in the background,
The lads on the horses know that area as the slippy bend.

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Moyross played by Cravel and Pineview… There was never hedge around it and it was separated by a rail track from Glenna…if it is Glenna those houses must be relatively new as part of regeneration…

There’s a hedge around that pitch with yonks. Have a look on google

That pic must be by Delmege park side so?

oh yeah, I couldn’t remember the name of it.

It’s in front of Pineview Gardens bud

Originally Mrs Macs

I had a look there on the maps… Delmege is gone, at least the front original row is. Nothing but a distant memory…