Fao bandage and rocko

Lads thanks.
My work around here is done, my material has dried up, since the demise of upthedeise, a huge part of which I played. Mission accomplished as the fella says. I am not from Waterford, I can’t stand the hoors, but something that started out as a bit of a grudge turned into something spectacular. I meant no Ill to no man from any other county.
I won’t be back cos as I said I really only came here with an agenda and I’ve accomplished that
Here’s to the 5 in a row,. We have the song. Sorted already




Did you really believe anyone thought you were from waterford?

B) :smiley: :o :lol: :angry: :unsure: :rolleyes:

I hope Tommy Walsh continues to post on the forum. Tommy, you’re a dirty cunt.

Holy jaysus. Disturbing scenes.

[quote=“Cian Foley, post: 498177”]
Lads thanks.
My work around here is done, my material has dried up, since the demise of upthedeise, a huge part of which I played. Mission accomplished as the fella says. I am not from Waterford, I can’t stand the hoors, but something that started out as a bit of a grudge turned into something spectacular. I meant no Ill to no man from any other county.
I won’t be back cos as I said I really only came here with an agenda and I’ve accomplished that
Here’s to the 5 in a row,. We have the song. Sorted already

[/quote] :blink:

There are many weirdos in this world.

And it’s been a while since Appendage posted as well.

I thought he was from Waterford.

FFS- why are muldoons obsessed with other muldoons websites

NCC mate, what’s going on here?
I don’t get it.

what was the agenda this lepjack completed? the only thing I thought was he was from Tipp, not Kilkenny.

What sort of mong takes credit for the demise of a part of the interweb? Townie cunts.

You wouldn’t be the brightest Link to be fair

Who is this Cian Foley guy? Can’t remember actually seeing any of his posts. Oh well, he’s gone now, sounds like he could have been interesting, if a little confused.

Wow, someone from Kilkenny pretending to be from Waterford.
It’s like someone with leprosy pretending to have aids.

So is the perpetrator going to hold his hands up here or what?

Will this riddle ever be solved?

Who gives a flying fuck?

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