FAO Chartered Accountants

Auditors discovered improper use of the double entry system


debits does dallas

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Chartered Accountants Ireland getting a going over on Liveline over technical glitches on the FRP exam last Saturday. It was supposed to be worth 15% towards the FAE. It has now been scrapped as not everyone got to finish it. Many are ringing in under pseudonyms so as not to prejudice their admittance to this august body and their potential future employment prospects. @Bandage @Appendage @briantinnion @balbec

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Sure the lads here post under pseudonyms for similar professional reasons


Thank you for tagging me. It’s just reminded me to get my employer to settle my annual subscription fees. Please note that late fees apply from 1 May onwards.

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A storm in a hiccup.

I know if I was a student I’d have done fuck all and I’d be absolutely delighted to be given a reprieve like this.

Anybody that relies on continuous assessment and little mini exams worth 10% here and 15% there isn’t what the industry requires anyway. If you can’t handle the pressure of a once off “cup final” written exam then I’m sorry, you don’t have the minerals to become a chartered accountant anyway.


I’d say yerman Christy Kearney is just upset because he probably has loads of people looking for money back on the revision course

Thank YOU for reminding me!

It was a much tougher exam back in our day cc @ciarancareyshurlingarmy , @Appendage

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Dont talk to me. I still have the odd shiver about going into the last day of the mocks badly shook after Niall Quinn’s heroic equaliser v The Netherlands the night before.

Are Hego, Pierse Kent and Reggie still going?

and you wonder why it took you 45 years to qualify :smiley:

Sure, I’ll sign your once a year online form, no problem. Glad that’s all cleared up now and we can continue for the year ahead no questions asked.

Wouldn’t one be very unlucky to be picked for review and subsequently fined?

Why would you be fined? CPD record?