FAO Chartered Accountants

One of the classic TFKs. Be a shame to have missed it. Kudos.

One of these years. On the second run of 4 attempts now.

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This guy was in @Bandage ASU


I occasionally get asked to do a few odd jobs for a government agency; sweeping up leaves, scraping chewing gum off tarmac…also some higher level stuff, like cleaning gutters etc. Ive always turned it down but they got me in a moment of weakness. They basically said work what hours you want, charge for travel, the price of your equipment, diesel, materials, boiler suits etc- but put it all in as hours worked.
Fine…but after a hape of paperwork, compliancing etc I was told that I’d put in too many hours…turns out I’m only allowed to work 7 hours a day 5 days a week (is it any wonder the country’s fucked…and they’ve deducted tax for what are essentially bidness expenses. I could submit the expenses against my self employed income? But i suspect there’ll be a problem somewhere down the road…I’m not sure my self-employed ventures and my new role overlap, in the eyes of my accountant
Went to submit a timesheet earlier and they’ve already filled it in for me…a full weeks work. I’m beginning to suspect that they’ve tricked me into getting a job.
Reality, responsibility, accounts etc have somehow crept into the picture…it’s very hard to maintain my equilibrium

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If you really want to excel for the council you’ll be trying to spread 4 hours work across those 7 hours. Can I recommend a nap?

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Don’t mention that bloody word. It’s a soul suck

I was hoping some well meaning and not totally soulless bean counter type like @Bandage or @Halfpipe would weigh in here. The government agency used to employ a mediocre type to do this type of mediocre work. They paid him a mediocre yearly salary - no-one was happy with the work, and he wasn’t happy with the salary.
I’d happily do the years work in a fortnight, lucratively charge a couple of months wages and everyone’s a winner. But no, everything is mired in procedure, rules, legislation etc in a sensible world the government would slip me a couple of grand in cash and tell me to say no more about it
This is the utter fuck up of a scenario, that cashless advocates like @Alphakrul1 would relegate us to. May god have mercy on their souls, not that they have souls.

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Corruption in Ireland is not at it’s peak, but the embers still burn with most of us remembering the fallout from leaks in the last few decades. A bag of cash, an overly lucrative contract, a wink-wink. Getting rid of cash monies won’t eradicate it completely, but it’s another small step away from the lawlessness and lack of accountability amongst the elites. We’re the goons if we’re on the interweb unknowingly lobbying to protect them. Just tap your fucking card and let it go.

If ypu think the big noises will be the ones that will be policed then you should rethink that lobotomy. I was being ironic…i thought you had a bit of cop on.
Jesus wept

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It seems to be working well here in the nordics. Maybe you need to get a band together, take up arms and overthrow the government.

It is like fuck. Neutral Norway bombed the bejaysus out of Libya, finland has just emotively handed over its neutrality (on the whim of some coked up bimbo) and sweden is a time bomb of a shadow of the notion that socialism could somehow work. What a mess. You were isolated by virtue of geography- but that’s about to change


We live in strange times. Their biggest crime is that they’re all as odd as fuck. Shoe-gazing, post-it note writing, isolation junkies.

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I agree. Still don’t know who “their” are though? Definitely not one of us?!?

The scandinavians.

Ah here. Ive only just seen this. What sort of gom are you? Scratch your head all you like. I do a bit on occasions for government agencies. There is only one rule. Jump through any fucking hoop they want. If they want you to do a weeks work for a months wages then ask them for the start and end date and slap it on an invoice. In truth, it’s shattered my illusions of you to see you punch a gift horse in the mouth. I’m aghast to fid a lad from Derry as ignorant to the milking of a system. Good luck with it all. I hope the weather holds.@boxty would be disgusted


You’ve hurt me in ways i can’t even begin to describe.
But more tomorrow

What’s all this about the Institute merging with the CPA’s??

I got an awful shock earlier, I thought we were merging with the ACCAs at first.

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Car park attendants?

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There’s dumbing down and there’s dumbing down.

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