FAO Chartered Accountants

Lee Chin is our 'arry. Good against Dagenham and Redbridge

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The fallout from the Davy experiment must be apocalyptic. Additional fiscal muscle required…….

The fallout from Davy was that Wexford Gaa had more money when he was leaving than before he started. He had his failings and other issues, but he didnt cost Wexford gaa much at all. All those other ridiculous stories of him getting big donations from benefactors was bollix too. He did well for himself, no doubt, but no different than other manager would have got. Wexford gaa helped keep his name in the spotlight.


You’d hardly run a good man out of a job?

In other Chartered Accountants news, Jacqui Hurley confirmed as Annual Conference host.

Are you going pal?

Yeah I’m speaking on the “building resilience & becoming a champion in a hybrid working world” panel.


Be a fair service to humanity if all accountants were hunted down, stuck like pigs and dumped in the moss. Most of them are only semi-alive anyway, despite sucking the souls from all around them.
After three days of bucklepping through hoops ive just emailed my accountant all and any login details for paypal accounts, bank accounts, defunct unused credit card accounts etc.
He can make his own way from now on.


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Sounds like a poorly-run firm.

Sounds like da boys need to get over this aul advisory stuff and get back to the aul bread’n’butter, Audit!

They spent a few hundred million trying to split their audit and consultancy divisions and then ditched the idea which I imagine doesn’t help.

Cleaning up


And yet they’re telling us its the most vulnerable job to be lost to AI :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Maybe for people posting transactions, the likes of ACCAs and CPA’s. You can’t automate the skills and expertise of a Chartered Accountant.


The ould car park attendants have had their day


And the banana pickers

FAE Day on Friday. Best of luck to @Appendage.


When are the results out?

I am under an impression that it may have been brought forward from its heady days of end of November - much like the All Ireland championship.