FAO Chartered Accountants

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I’ve voted yes.

I encourage all others to do the same.

So there’s a third even more pretend qualification and the proposal is to merge with them?

Can someone ladybird it for me.


One factor is CPA have the crucial US recognition tied up.

CPA is the big one in the States. CPA here is now officially aligned to equivalent to CPA in US. So this would make the chartered qualification extend to the US market.

Seems like a yes then?

A strong yes.

There’s CAI, ACCA, CPA and there used to be IIPA.

IIPA are the most pretendiest of all.

Not qualified. Given practicing certs. Mad.

CPA took them in about 7 years ago. Mostly lads hitting towards retirement now.

CPA now want to jump into bed with CAI because they aren’t getting the numbers to sustain the CPA institute.

It’s an uneasy alliance but probably best to vote yes because Rocko has told us to.

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This is a dead herring.

CAI already have mutual recognition.

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Quelle surprise

Another leftie liberal conspiracy

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It’s just part of the overall dumbing down of society


The Tax Institute will be next.


CAI has a mutual recognition agreement with the AICPA but chartered accountants are required to sit the US CPA Reg exam to attain the US CPA designation whilst Irish CPAs are not. Cogito ergo sum the CPA qualification has better standing with the AICPA.


The peoples front of Judea amd the judean peoples front calling each other pretend qualifications. Ive no idea whats the difference but i do ask why do you need a degree in accounting before you spend a couple of years on shite pay post college to gwt a few more letters? Why not either accept university degrees or go stright from school into an accounting apprenticeship?

Can you still go straight from school in to an accounting firm as an articled clerk?

Used to be a great way for the clever lads in De La Salle and Waterpark to start a career in Coopers and Lybrand or Reynolds McCarron.

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You technically can but there aren’t many openings these days.

I would like to see more employers offer it. There’s lots of talk about diversity of gender, race, sexual orientation but little talk of social diversity. Not everyone can afford to go to college and the apprenticeship role would offer a route to a professional qualification for those people.


It’d be great if a man like you had a position of influence to implement a change like that.


Sorry for assuming you’re a man there.

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Ive no idea, this is not my industry but i find it funny all the different qualifications required

There’s at least one on here went through that route