FAO Chartered Accountants


Way of the Dragon.

Big 4 looking for another payday from the State


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Crona is one of my running pals & is doing outstanding work in this area. Enhanced childcare provision is key to enabling working from home funrunners like myself to jog around the park & go for post run coffees during convenient daylight hours.


When do the mail in ballots get counted? I suppose there will probably be a resounding no at the EGM and then surprise, surprise thousands of online/mail in ballots will arrive over night showing a resounding yes victory.

I’m hearing we are one.


Gargo! Gargo! Gargo!

Beware the late annual subs fees, everyone.

Renewals to be completed by the end of the month to avoid the late payment fee.

Ample time still to get your affairs sorted.


All done pal. Thanks for the heads up though.

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One good deed deserves another.

You really won’t want to miss the leadership summit on Thursday 9th May.

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The guidance continues: “The content of your comms should follow this approach . . . ‘Following recent discussions with my [relationship leader], I have taken the decision to leave PwC. It hasn’t been an easy decision for me to reach but now that I have, I am excited about what the future holds for me and the new opportunities on the horizon. I have really enjoyed my time at PwC and the opportunity to work with such talented colleagues.’”

Professional to the last.

That’s why it’s the finest of the Big 4.

I heard one of the Big 5 in Ireland cut a large chunk of one of their technical services divisions

What’s a technical services division? IT support?

You’d be a brave CEO to gut IT. They’ll always have something on you.

Not IT Support, more one of their tech consulting service lines

The Mike Soden Effect.

Clients are wising up to overpaying for not much.

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Wait. There’s a big 5 now!

Fucking inflation :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: