FAO of Midshipman Asha and flattythehurdler

One of you (I can’t remember which) replied to TFK by email instead of responding to the PM. You might want to reply to the PM lest the other one think you’re ignoring them.

That was a mean thing to say about @Mac by the way. He’s doing his best.


The money will go to a good cause I’m sure

Thanks @Rocko that would have been me. Midshipman Asha should be in the things that are right thread. :clap::clap::clap:
God bless this place and all who sail in her. I will reply to @Midshipman Asha via here after I get some sleep.

Wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened :popcorn:

[QUOTE=“Rocko, post: 1041422, member: 1”]One of you (I can’t remember which) replied to TFK by email instead of responding to the PM. You might want to reply to the PM lest the other one think you’re ignoring them.

That was a mean thing to say about @Mac by the way. He’s doing his best.[/QUOTE]
You have a long fucking spoon for stirring :):slight_smile:

Was it @treaty_exile the last time?