FAO of Rocko - Nembo throws the toys out of the pram

@Rocko, why did you close the Irish rugby football supporters thread? I’m just out of a 4-hour meeting and want to run riot / let off some steam on it.

Its was that cunt @ChocolateMice’s fault.

Choco requested it. The Irish involvement at the world cup is over. I’m sure you can reopen it if you wish. Hit the wrench icon on the right hand side of the screen as you’re browsing it.

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Those stat happy freaks were taking our multiple posts of delight in their failure as a win and as some sort of evidence that this is rugby country. There is still a general rugby world cup thread to post in should you feel the need…but these chaps have been totally and utterly destroyed, best not feed them anymore.

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Can you change privileges on stopping the tireless bores tampering with thread titles.

Thank you.


I would also like my thread title tampering privileges restored, thank you.

I shall do when I get around to it.


This has to be a priority. Also the trolling of @Elvis_Brandenberg_Kr By joe player needs to be stopped.

Loving the Christmas hats @Rocko


My avatar has never looked this natty.

All we need now is the Annual @Rintintin Xmas Greeting Post and we can savely wave 2017 off.

Ah we are a few weeks early for that yet.