FAO of Rocko - Nembo throws the toys out of the pram


Why do i need to wear sunglasses at night time? I’m fucking blind…


RE:The below.

Users at trust level 3 can…

recategorize and rename topics
access a private “frequent flier’s lounge” category only visible to users at trust level 3 and higher
have all their links followed (we remove automatic nofollow324)
spam flags cast on TL0 user posts immediately reach the action threshold
Daily like limit increased by 2 ×

Where can regular users access the frequent flier’s lounge?



@Rocko, Please disregard the above.

Can you explain it to me?

Eh, just hold on a minute pal.

How are you holding up mate? You must be seething.

Hi there. I’ve been advised by @Rocko that any discussion of the Frequent Flier’s Lounge with non-members of said lounge will result in expulsion for the offending member.

That’s all I can say at this point.


@rocko what is the Frequent Flier’s Lounge?

I was dreaming about it last night. Would be quite friendly with the older Hughes so that incident annoyed me as much as the defeat.

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Colin had him by the throat shortly after. I can only imagine he didn’t realise what the McCann prick had done or I imagine he would have dropped the wanker.

I saw Kieran make a tear for someone as Darren was walking off but I disregarded it, as he’d have a short fuse at the best of times.

Kieran, forgive me, it’s early

Warning: you have too many tracked new and unread topics, clear some using “Dismiss New” or “Dismiss Posts”

How do you do this?


Firstly, it’s not that important. It just means the counters in brackets for New and Unread won’t be perfectly accurate (to save on queries).

But to do it, go to the New and Unread tabs from the main forum page and then hit the dismiss buttons.

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@Rocko, I’m trying to embed a Vine on the Funny Videos thread but it doesn’t seem to be working

Do you still have the link? I can’t see it on the edit history of that post.

@Rocko, I’m getting an account suspended notification on my laptop. Is this on your side on mine?

Mine. Go to tfk.thefreekick.com instead of just thefreekick.com to avoid. I’ll fix it though.

Cheers :+1: