FAO Rocko

According to @Mac it was mentioned earlier than Jan 21 on Feb 6.

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Remember in March when we were locking down for two weeks and that seemed an awful long time. :joy:

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It was all a bit of a distant curiosity for a few months. Then the Italians got their hands on it. I knew we were fucked then.

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When you think about it the whole thing is some cluster fuck

I had it August 2019, a respiratory illness that lasted five weeks that baffled not one but two doctors, fucked tired, hard to breathe. I went to Milan in November so brought it there. I am the monkey in outbreak.

I felt it would be like the original SARS or maybe the swine flu. Disinfectant at the airport. Warnings against going to China. An ad on the telly asking for money.

Instead it (or more specifically the response to it) has completely destroyed our society

I feel that we wouldn’t have reacted like this 10 years ago. I reckon it would have been like sars or swine flu. But every little problem has become bigger in the last decade thanks mainly to social media and trumpism.


I provided evidence while you provided conjecture. Much like how the whole saga played out

That’s because it was a proper lockdown. We were actually all stuck at home with kids.

Is the new one only a pretend lockdown?

It’s an enforced closure of shops and pubs

If only…

Does anybody know how to switch back to the original skin?

This racist shit has gone too far…


Why would anybody want to use the site like this it reminds me of that teletext thing on rte.

I’m rocking and rolling again. Thanks for the help.

Problems accessing site all day. Various. Last one invalid certificate. Though back on now. Is it something needs attention?

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You need to pay your annual subscription


Brexit related I believe. Set yourself up a vpn from 26 counties and you’ll be fine.

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Paid my 6 month E100 last month