FAO TFK Ultras

Anything special planned for this potentially historic night lads? Was in D4 earlier and there was some buzz about the place. All the usual pre-match haunts were packed out already.

I’m covering this with Spanish tv tonight, serious build up, coverage started at 1pm.

I must say Tinnion’s Anelka style banning from the team will be the impetus to drive this team on…I think i speak for all the fans when i say he always comes across as a bit of a cock-end

Played for himself in a Harry Kewell sort of way

That was fucking special tonight lads. Some tifo display. No doubt ncc gave a helping hand. The Rocko Özil banner was top class.

i presume celebration will start and continue throughout the weekend in Coppers

On nights like this I like to remember greats of TFK past who never won any medals:

Monkey Allen


Having a few bottles of Tyskie now to celebrate.

A noble beer.


The corteo from the team hotel to the ground was awe-inspiring to view.

Edit: This is now the fat cunt; Rocko’s on the iphone. ClarkeyCat is beside me on the couch; Clarkey is in between Jugs and I. Jugs is on the left hand side. I am on the right hand side. Rocko is in the arm chair. We are drinking beer and watching Family Guy on 3e.

Champions. :clap:

should ye not be drinking champagne and hanging from Chandeliers

Well done one and all…

A truly auspicious day

Thanks a lot, Puke. We go the extra mile to win these honours for the likes of our supporters who follow us through thick and thin. Like yourself, Rintintin and The Dunph.

CLG, we’ll be around town tomorrow night, baby. We’ll be getting the usual shit loads of female attention that typically follows a league victory but PM myself, Clarkey or Jugs if you’ve any interest in an orgy.

Spitroasting on the cards for CLG. Celebrate like champions.

Who is this XXXX character? Sounds like a bit of a creep.

Quick Appendage; edit your post.


No Bandage No Party

:clap: :clap: :clap:

They are a band.

Personal highlight and team highlight?

I won’t mention my personal highlight for fear of legal implications but those who saw our win against Borgia will know what I’m referring to.

Team highlight was our second come from behind win against White Russians. A day TFK stood up to be counted as a team.

Personal highlight: My famous ‘save with the hand’ against Farcenal.

Team highlight: Rocko breaking yer man’s elbow in the fight at the end of the Borgia game.