FAO: The Dunph

Puke’s an alright sort who knows the score.

You are a knob.

FAO Fitzy

There is already a thread on the main page for my attention where you could place your distasteful comments towards me…

FAO The Dunph - thefreekick.com


Please ban the above user for clogging up the board with duplicate threads.

Thanking you in advance.

[quote=“The Dunph”]There is already a thread on the main page for my attention where you could place your distasteful comments towards me…

FAO The Dunph - thefreekick.com


Please ban the above user for clogging up the board with duplicate threads.

Thanking you in advance.[/quote]

Dunph knows the score. :thumbsup:

Dunph is still badly rattled i see


Hardly, i’m on a roll here…

Dunph gives out the rattlings. :smiley:

Hardly, i’m on a roll here…[/quote]

like the way you rolled over and had your belly tickled by noddy:thumbsup:

noddy knows what way his bread is buttered…

that he does:clap:

Lots of people are relaxing at Christmas but Dunph continues to clean house. :clap:


Dunph is most definitely an alright sort. A man that surely enjoyed the christmas dinner yesterday I’d say. :popcorn:

I did indeed Pikeman and i’ll enjoy more of the turkey and ham today. I trust you enjoyed yours too…

whats that suppose to mean??

Ask the Puke buddy. :D:thumbsup:

alright i will:thumbsup:. hey puke, what does the dunph mean by that remark??

It means the dunph took the bait and fell for a ballhop

alright i will:thumbsup:. hey puke, what does the dunph mean by that butter remark??


The Puke is only ballhopping you here noddy…