Favourite Breakfast Radio

For me it’s got to be Ian Dempsey, he’s just got a really relaxed tone on the radio and doesn’t try to sound like a DJ, just a really down to earth presenter. Gift Grub is hillarious and the news updates are professional and informative, perfect radio in my opinion, not as stupid as the Dublin Stations but not as serious as Radio one or Newstalk.

How 'bout u?

I’m not one for sweeping generalisations but anyone who listens to “breakfeast radio” and all their fun and frolicks to give themselves that early morning boost must have something seriously wrong with them. I don’t need no gimp on the radio trying to be funny with their wacky games and gimmicks and playing absolutely scheidt music. I listen to my mp3. Thank you. Thank you - one and all.

I wouldn’t say I need it, I’m reading The God Delusion (very good read) at the moment but it can be hard to get into reading on your way to work when you’ve snotty nosed ball-oxes of kids shouting on the bus and causing Anti-Morning Banter. That’s where the earphones come in handy!!

Reading the God Delusion but find Newstalk too serious? LOL

I normally listen to Newstalk, but flick about quite a bit, and will be replacing my iPod (which broke 2 years ago) quite soon, so will have more options.

Reading the God Delusion but find Newstalk too serious? LOL

I’ve no fooking comeback to that whatsoever! Brilliant!

Today FM all the way. Dempsey is class. I tend to alternate between my Sony mp3 player and the radio from day to day

Me and Flano had to put with 98 fm and the morning crew for ages until finally an ex collegue snapped and changed the station. Toll Trolls were good for a bit but got boring quickly. It caused so much hassle for awhile but they had to accept it and any time the station is changed it is set back by me because I am the first in usually.

Toll Trolls, I won’t even ask!!

The Lyric Breakfast is quite good aswell.

The toll trolls are a horrible memory. Little Becki Becky whatever the fook way she spells her name was funny for a week or so and when she was speaking to Paddy Power but christ I’d like to tear her head off now.

98 FM is for thickos and scumbags(much like some of my work colleagues). Get to fook

While I was away from work the scumbags and thickos have changed the station to 98fm. Dermo and Dave, fook afffff. They’re so shite it’s incomprehensible! At least on the way to work I got to hear a bit of classic gift grub. The Boss on radio roy, classic stuff

If pushed I’d go for Newstalk, but it’s still iPod/sleep these days

Well newstalk would be an option but it’s very difficult to pay attention to whats going on plus the volume would have to be increased to an unacceptable level to actually hear everything thats said clearly.

No value in Newstalk or Radio One in the mornings, I want good music and intelligent banter aka Ian Dempsey.

A possibly more appropriate thread would be Least Favourite Breakfast Radio.

IMO the standard of breakfast radio has plummetted in recent times, with 2FM’s latest offering taking the proverbial biscuit. Colm and Jim Jim - the ultimate pair of clowns. An attempted rip off of Ian Dempsey’s show complete with a gift grub element under a different name. Those clowns should be on between 3 and 5 am, when nobody will listen to them.

Dempsey has let the standard slip in recent years. He seems to have become complacent, he’s still miles ahead of his competitors though. Tom Dunne (who is generally) was on for him there a few weeks back and was excellent.

Beat FM, which covers Waterford, KK, Tipp, Wex and Wicklow has 3 no marks in the morning trying, and failing dismally to be funny. Inept fools.

Clearly people who don’t tune into Radio 1 or Newstalk want something lighter, but a basic level of intelligence must be a prerequisite.

Another issue I have with these tabloid trash style breakfast shows (Dempsey excluded) is their promotion of insanely idiotic surveys.

Others on my Radio list of hatred include Joe Duffy. I fooking hate that cunt.
And Gerry Ryan. What a fool. An utter fool.

And…how the fook did those DJ clowns survive with text messages? The lazy bastards spend most of their shows reading out the shite that should be left in the brains of the gormless muppets that text in their fooked up notions.

Rant over.

Ray Foley and Tony Fenton are pricks aswell!

What has Ray Foley ever done?

Except be a coont :devil: