Favourite Pogues Song

If I Should Fall From Grace with God is much better in my opinion.

Close to a 10 out of 10 album for me.

Ah no ā€¦ No. no, no - Spidey had it right.

Red Roses for me is their best album by a mile imo.
Rum Sodomy second and If I should fall from grace 3rd.

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Red Roses & Rum/Sodomy are great records and very representative of live performances at the time.

The band had really matured by Grace with God. Advanced musicianship, Shane at his songwriting peak and a better engineered recording. Itā€™s my favourite Pogues album.

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Iā€™m generally drawn to the rougher, unpolished sound of most artists , thereā€™s something much more real about the sound/energy.

I can confirm this. The Pogues toured Ireland around the turn of the year 1985/1986. They played some quirky venues like a community centre in North Tipperary that I canā€™t remember the name of.

I saw them on that tour with in the Bridge Hotel in Waterford. Before the gig myself and a friend went into Downes pub around the corner for refreshments. Who was sitting in front of the fire guzzling only the Pogues. MacGowan was asleep with a fedora over his face. This isnā€™t going to be good we surmised. Anyway we went around to the Bridge and Pogues duly arrived on stage and blew the fucking place asunder. Lads were going demented. It was unreal.


Iā€™d be the same but there were much more non-originals on Rum for a start.

Shinrone is in Offaly ?

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Hvae we had a shout out for The Boys from the County Hell?

Thatā€™s the one. Ethnic Tipperary


Lapsed poster Robert Emmett wrote an article on Shinrone once ā€¦ it had nothing to do with the Pogues.

Thatā€™s the best of them.

A Pair of Brown Eyes, A Rainy Night in Soho and White City not far behind.

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Their hearts in Tipperary wherever they go

  1. Thousands are Sailing
  2. Pair of Brown Eyes
  3. Lullaby of London
  4. Fairytale of New York
  5. Rainy Night in Soho
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Many moons ago one of my mates thought it would be great craic spiking me with a pill ā€¦ anyway - I was coming up on it and Rainy Night in Soho came on in the gaffā€¦ I had to listen to it about 20 times I was so blown away with it ā€¦ I was on drugs tho.

I think they are the band with the most top class songs given their number of songs in total.

Some of them fell into heavenā€¦

Their appeal is also heightened by the fact that most of them are written by a barely functioning alcoholic mess with a songwriting gift from the Gods.


From 1990 to 1998, I was accountant for MacGowan, and Frank Murray (RIP) the Pogues manager. Life was good back then.


Jaysus Fagan I was at that very gig myself, only a garcun. We got a minibus from Ennis. One of the lads got Spider Stacyā€™s Tin Whistle that night and still has it. To say it was bedlam up at the front would be like saying Shane most probably had a drink or two that day. Outside I still remember a biker looking fella covered in blood. He was after been hit by a brick- inside ! Crazy times.

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Joe McKenna ?

Favourite Pogues lyrics?

This is from MacGowan in A Pair of Brown Eyes:

I think there are two narrators in this song - MacGowan in his severely drunken state and some old bastard in a pub, as MacGowan later put it. The old bastard rants on about how he went to war and how would MacGowan know anything about life in comparison to him, which generally pisses MacGowan off.

In blood and death neath a screaming sky
I lay down on the ground
And the arms and legs of other men
Were scattered all around

MacGowan draws comparison to his drunken state of hell (and everyone elseā€™s) to the old bastardā€™s war experiences.