Favourite Pogues Song

I don’t think it was the record label. Chevron didn’t like the line himself because it didn’t really fit and he found it tricky to get that topic into a song.

Rainy night in Soho is the greatest song of all time and musical perfection. I had it as first song at my wedding. It weaves beautifully between so many different emotions and the lyrics are deep and meaningful.

Did I marry you? :thinking:


If you celebrated your 4 year anniversary yesterday maybe you did.

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Thats the greatest song for me and that’s the greatest line. I get a lump in my throat every time I hear it.

We ran a poll here at the turn of the year 2011/2012 for Best Song Ever and the winner was London Girl from the Poguetry in Motion EP :thinking::thinking:

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Time for a new poll — It looks like a lot of lads have matured since then.

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London Girl is a great song too.

That whole EP is practically perfect.

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They’ve got very maudlin as they’ve got older.

There are so many different versions of it.

The one I have on my iPod is slower than the more widely available single version.

I think there are many more versions as well.

Are you a fan of ‘Grace’ bro?

It’s that time of year as well shur.

I find it tolerable but fan would be overstating it.

I suppose lads are drawn back to memories of their youth at this time of the year.

The fucking definition of maudlin.

My favourites lyrics have always been -
And it’s how’ya kid
and what’s your name
and how much you bloody know …

The Irish mindset so brilliantly summed up in 3 lines.

Is it not ‘How’d you bloody know’?

As in ‘How would you bloody know?’

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I’ve always assumed it was my way … but i’ve never checked and i’m afraid to now.


Whatever you take from it bro.

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I was thought it was and how’d you blow your nose :thinking:

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