Favourite Pogues Song

Missing the work Christmas party to roar along to the Late Late on Friday night


Sheer brillance. Lyrically and musically it proves that there was more than one genius in the band.

Chevron’s ‘Under Clery’s Clock’ is another remarkable song lyrically, particularly considering it was recorded at a time before homosexuality was decriminalised here


Up there for me - definitely,

Wher’ere we go we celebrate the land that makes us refugees

(A brilliant summation of the romantic notion of a country that was woefully repressive particularly for the likes of Chevron as a gay man)

There then comes a reference to ‘fear of priests with empty plates’ but according to Chevron he wanted to include a line about ‘kiddy fiddler priests’ but wasn’t allowed by the record label. This was in the mid 80s before the widespread emergence of paedophilia in the Catholic Church.

That song has line after line of quality from start to finish.

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“and we dance to the music and we dance”
Has a slightly menacing air of the kind of forced joviality and projection of wonderful oirisherss which emigrants used as a shield, and it skewers it perfectly.



And we raise a glass to JFK and a dozen more besides
When I got back to my empty room I suppose I must have cried

And as the sunset came to meet
The evening on a hill
I swore I’d always love you
I always did, I always will


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The one thing not mentioned here is that aside from the lyrics the band were really excellent musicians .

The ginger lady would want to stock up on lip balm, she’s some amount of snogging to do over the next few weeks

Twenty fucking five to one
Me gambling days are done
I bet on a horse called the Bottle of Smoke
And my horse won

The Cadillac stood by the house
And the Yanks they were within
And a tinker boy gave his advice
Hotwire it with a pin



What bastard bumped this thread? - i’ve been listening to them on Spotify all week … They do a great rendition of the Limerick Rake.

cc @TreatyStones

There was a great discussion of that song on here that revolved around Thraw about 6 year ago if I recall.

Must have been a different thread? Thraw was a creep tho so i’d be wide of taking anything he had to say on board.

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“There the he-males and the she-males paraded in style,
And the old man with the money would flash you a smile,
In the dark of an alley you’d work for a fiver
For a swift one off the wrist down on the old main drag”


Ditto. I cant stop listening to them now. They really are a fantastic band

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Guys. I’m so glad I introduced the pogues into your lives


The Worms crawl in and the worms crawl out

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Ahead of the curve again.

Be merry my friend!

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