Favourite Pogues Song

Their hearts in Tipperary??

Their accents is even better though!

Thousands are sailing or The body of an American.


Their hearts in Tipperary FFS!


Boys From the County Hell.

Rainy night in soho is an incredibly poignant song.

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Shane McGowan does not look long for this world judging by the latest pictures of him. Burying his mother and manager in last few days will have taken a lot out of him. He must have the heart of a lion to have lasted this long.

If Bob Dylan merited a nobel prize I dont know what McGowan merited. His lyrics are heartbreakingly beautiful and interwoven in such a way that not a syllable is wasted. They rise above all accolades.

I had Deuces Wild (cork based band) belt out Rainy night in Soho as my first dance with Mrs Whiplash at our wedding and the few in attendance who hadn’t heard it were astounded by it. A song for all occasions.


My early entry of lullaby of London has been overtaken by another ode to the empire capital- transmetropolitan
My favourite pogues song changes like the wind in any case. Most underrated band ever. Massive with the diaspora in London when I lived there in the 80s, the real diaspora - i.e. The ones the Eire establishment don’t acknowledge. Drinkers and giro pirates.


White city is another classic of that ilk

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A lot of that Diaspora have fallen on hard times. A lot of homeless Irish people in London from that era. His stock will rise when he’s gone. like many of the aforementioned homeless people Shane has fallen between the cracks as well. Hardly fit for MTV age and band probably not all bells and whistles instrumentally either. They were lost amidst hair spray, glitter of 80’s and brash boy bands of 90’s. But there is something wonderous about them. It was not contrived or manufactured, it was simple and you got what you saw with them which was honesty. I hope their legacy is everlasting.


Any Irishman that doesnt like the pogues is a quisling


Oh the torn up ticket stubs
From a hundred thousand mugs
Now washed away with dead dreams in the rain

Great tune from a great album.
trivia: The boxer on the cover of Peace and love has six fingers on one of his hands.

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Where to start?
Misty morning, Albert bridge is a classic for lyrics and tone.
Soho… sometimes I wake up in the morning, the ginger lady by my bed…
Shannon … Heard the men coming from the fair at shinrone, their accents tipperary wherever they go…

The greatest.

The day being clear
The sky being bright
He came up on the left
Like a streak of light
Like a drunken fuck
On a Saturday night
Up came the Bottle of Smoke

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The Body of an American.

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Hmmmmmm, while your lyric would make sense I’m pretty sure the line is “their hearts in Tipperary wherever they go”

Ah not this again. Listen to the song as recorded.

I think you deliberately posted that lyric just to cause a row


This is his second time doing it in this thread already. You’re quite correct, the lyric is “Their hearts in Tipperary”

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This guy should know ?