Feeling a bit sick

Itā€™s the hardly the HMPV virus from China is it?

Slightly perturbed yesterday and today. Mild discomfort in head and joints, a bit tired and out of breath. Nowhere near bad enough to have me reaching for the ivermectin.

Not as bad as ye folks, but a nasty head cold, sinuses feel like theyll explode. Cold sweats yesterday was the worst of it. Well i hope

Id that for about 2 weeks from 27th. Cough too.

Thought improving and then today fever and aches kicked in

Weird shit

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No cough thankfully. Id a serious lack sleep last night, not helping. Lemaip and benalin cold and flu get me through it. Ive had a good run of late not getting a serious knock of a bad cold and thankfully no flus

When weā€™re locked down in March youā€™ll be able to say "I definitely had it at Christmas "

That covid jab has lads destroyed.
Someone needed to say it.

I thought I was on the way out this morning. 6am to 1pm were the worst few hours Iā€™ve ever put down.


Coughing or just aches & pains?


Thats what you get for drinking out of a wet glass

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Delighted youā€™ve weathered the storm.

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What sort of a dose do you have?Stomach or respiratory?

Bit of everything. Iā€™d say was running a fever, havenā€™t been able to get out of bed all day. My body was like it was shutting down earlier, zero energy and not sure if i was asleep or awake. A bad cough and sneezing during the night.

Tried to take in some liquids and threw them back up. Have managed to keep some electrolytes and an ice pop down this evening.

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Nasty enough.were you burning the candle at both ends?

He probably had 5 spreadsheets open at the same time. Reckless stuff, tā€™was only a matter of time.

That dose is going around. You wonā€™t be right for at least 10 days.


Try 6 weeks. If ever.


I did a quick google search there and reckon I have shingles. Should I just ride it out or go to a GP?

Ride it out, all the GP will do is give you a few prescription pads/bandages with codeine or something similar which arenā€™t much use

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