
What we do today, is what matters most.

Now, more than ever, we need calm in our lives

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Beautiful. I go back to this so often on here

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Agreed, breakfast is served.




From the affairs thread… Here’s the lad…

That’s an impressive recall you have there :joy:


I miss him :slightly_frowning_face:

I miss brimmer too :cry:

“you got the double dip of sniffing some gee juice and then her arse hole”


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This thread taking a nasty turn


The man had a way with words

Wait a minute… Did you stay in @Bandage’s house last night? …
As shakespeare did say - the funeral baked meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables…

Don’t remember him… I can’t keep track of all the rebrands that go on …

You’d always respect a man who took his beating like a man. There’s not many on here like brimmer or HBV in that regard.

Whatever happened to Shannonsider and the mad cark woman mariegangaire?

The only people who ever took a beating off you were the women trapped in your basement, and you certianly never respected them. Now might be a good time to release them?

What time are you hitting the hay, mate? You’ve been swinging for close on 15hrs now.

I’m refreshed and totes Zen m8.

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Glad to hear it.