
Go on then.

Keeping to your role can be hard though. it’s like asking @Dziekanowski not to have the last word in a debate

You’re proximo

5, 4, 3, 2, 1

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Sounds like a list Eamonn Dunphy would reel off when he’s having a go at Ronaldo

McGregor at 4 though :joy:

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Katie Taylor ffs sake

Oh be jesus. A corkman, a woman, a McGregor, a rugby player and a golfer that isn’t Irish.

It’s like they read here and picked the 5 most likely to cause an argument


If only it was released last night. The steam might have been blown off already

One GAA player and three rugby players.

Nuff said.

Accountant in inability to count shocker

@Malarkey Vs @Dziekanowski part VI. Poor @rocko is paying server space for these 2 lads to drone back and forth.

Should we just post one of the banned names to shut the site down for a few days??


That’s hardly a feud

4 mentioned , should be more


Jesus I just ventured on to that thread for a look.
It’s a sad indictment of mental health services in this country. You’d think they would take the phones off the patients at this hour of the night on a Sunday. Some serious personality disorders at play there.


Covid nightmares. The people are cracking, wannabe sports journos especially, underlying conditions no longer underlying.

Open the fucking pubs!

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The ginger lady was out and about last night…

Surprise surprise.

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Good grief