
What’s going on here @iron_mike?

Is that a white flag from the team of hard claws?

Fucked if I know kid, but it was nasty enough.

@iron_mike, it’ll take a fair lump of a gif to explain this wan.

Not really. This kind of sums it up.

giphy (53)


There’s some nasty stuff going on here.

Serious nasty like. Theres nasty and nasty but this is nasty

And on Jesus’s birthday too.


Are lads leaving it all out there on the pitch like?

I blame the dubs breaking the lockdown rules. Put lads over the edge

Some lads needed to relax a long time back

What happened at Christmas?

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They’ve been in training since march last year. They now find themselves 4 points down with 3 minutes left and have just realised they need two scores just to draw level

Some lads don’t like it up um.

You trained your man @carryharry well.

@iron_mike jumping in with his inane banter was expected, but still disappointing,

A Kilkenny man at heart I suppose.

As near to perfection as any mortal could get to the perfect gif


This is unbecoming of a forum like this

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No one likes to see, thats for sure.

Deary me.

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By God.

I’d put it down to him being drunk to be honest Brimmer.