Fidel Castro

Best health system in the world apparently.

It is if you can afford it. An absolute disaster if you’re depending on the “medical card” model.

Cuba are communists kid.

Let’s see how many of them defect after the crisis

Don’t politicize it lads, everyone needs to pull together.

It’s great to see the humanitarianism of the commie countries in helping afflicted countries while the likes of the US impose sterner sanctions on Iran who struggle to bring it under control.

We’ve moved beyond the ‘commie’ term mate. We are all good brother.

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It’s an old Cuban trick. Get the a bunch of lads out of jail …dress them up as doctors…put them on a plane.
They did something similar after the bay of pigs


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Trump wants millions to die, as do his supporters here. His regime is full of end times cultists who see this as a great chance to “cull” a hell of a lot of poor and ethnic minorities, a sort of Darwinian wet dream.

He also sees it as a chance to funnel huge amounts of public money to his businesses. The corruption would make Charlie Haughey, Ray Burke, Liam Lawlor and Pee Flynn look like Trappist monks.

Those who defend him like @labane1917 and @Malarkey aren’t so much sociopaths as psychopaths with zero human empathy.

Fidel and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy brothers in arms


he is bang on too

Was he in favour of segregated bike lanes?

Fidel would be arm in arm with Mannix Flynn opposing the Sandymount cycle path.