FIFA World Cup 2010 - Group Stage

Alberto Undiano :clap: :clap: :smiley:

Germany will have to beat Ghana in the last match or they are out. A win would probably give them 1st place in the group due to goal difference.

You’d have to say that they shouldn’t allow referees from smaller countries like eh, Spain, to be at the World Cup.

Ghana will sort out the Germans no bother! :stuck_out_tongue:

I still think Germany will beat Ghana to qualify and win the group but Klose will be a big loss. It would be a terrible shame for them to go out.

Despite poor performances in their first matches England and Italy must be quite happy that the draw is opening up for them.
Two of the expected quarter finals (according to seedings) look to have gone by the board. Holland, Brazil and Spain (if they even qualify) will probably end up in the same quarter and Germany and Argentina in another.

That means you are looking at something like
Uruguay/Mexico/South Korea/Greece in the quarter final


Switzerland/Chile/Portugal/Ivory Coast

Holland v Argentina final for me.

I thought that was a horrific decision to send off Klose - not every challenge is a booking. He made a genuine attempt to nick the ball away and stayed on his feet while doing it rather than sliding it dangerously.

Superb result for Serbia and, as has been said, it opens up the group completely. As shit as Australia were on Sunday and actually are, I wouldn’t be surprised if they hacked their way to a win tomorrow to leave every team on 3 points.

Have taken some of my winnings from the Serbia match and had a taste of Slovenia here at 11/4 in running, they have started lively

Outragious scenes…What a hit!!!

Ah great strike. The septics have to chase it again.

Hon to fuck Slovenia! We’re going to top the group!!

G’Wan to fuck Slovenia! Germany result is shocking, just shows what a great coach Antic can be. Worst possible result for Australia.

I can’t see Australia beating Ghana, a draw a possibility. There’s ructions in the Aussie camp as well, mutiny on the horizon. Kewell lost the plot at a press conference over a very good article Mike Cockerill wrote about him in the SMH. According to Kewell, the journos (or “youse reporters” as he called them, clearly channeling Ger Loughnane) should be there to support the team. He’s not the brightest boy in the class our 'Arry.

just flicked onto the game, did Findley just get booked there when the ball smacked him in the face from the corner?

Yep-shocking decision

and what a flick away by the defender there!

and its 2-0. great time to turn it all on!

Disaster for the USA at Ellis Park, which is of course the venue where the Loins clinched that magnificent series victory just under a year ago. There were “a lot of naked bodies and a lot of champagne in the dressing room” after that match. What a picture Ugo Monye painted with his words. Dewi Morris couldn’t speak because he had a lump in his throat. Yeah, a big fat lump of Monye’s cock.

The Puke is the world cup punting king

Sucker punch. The yanks were unlucky not to equalise on a couple of occasions in the last few minutes and were starting to get on top then bang.
Go USA, lets take that hiiilllllll…

Ah great stuff, with only England to play we could get 9 points!!

Does a Slovenia win here suit England?

Kewell needs to go and jump in a lake. Preferably one with crocodiles in it. The sea off Cape Town would also be acceptable.